ADCIO - Asst. District Commerce & Industries Officer
BDA - Bamboo Development Agency
BTP - Bamboo Technology Park
C&B - Cane and Bamboo
DCIO - District Commerce & Industries Officer
DIC - District Industries Centre
DIPP - Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion
EO - Extension Officer
EPIP - Export Promotion Industrial Park
IGC - Industrial Growth Centre
IIDC - Integrated Infrastructure Development Centre
K&T - Knitting and Tailoring
MFPI - Ministry of Food Processing Industries
MIFCO - Mizoram Fruit Processing Corporation
MKVIB - Mizoram Khadi & Village Industrial Board
MOT - Ministry Of Textile
MSME - Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
PO - Promotion Officer
SDIO - Sub Divisional Industries Officer
ZIDCO - Zoram Industrial Development Corporation